Wild & Wonderful...
The Jefferson County Chapter, IWLA conservation committee believes in and adheres to the national creed: “Defenders of the air, soil, woods, water, and wildlife.”
Our committee started in 2006 and has participated in and underwritten numerous conservation related community activities, such as tree planting and stream cleanup. In addition, we have donated bird feeders, birdseed, and waterfowl nesting boxes throughout the area’s wetlands.
With the heightened awareness of the potential hazards of lead in the environment the IWLA encourages chapters with shooting venues to remove lead shot from shooting grounds. In September of this year, 2009, the Leetown chapter contracted a firm specializing in lead shot removal. Ninety-four 55-gallon drums of lead shot, totaling more than 260,000 pounds were removed from the shot distribution areas.
The Spring, 2008 issue of the national IWLA magazine, Outdoor America, contained an article highlighting the conservation work of the Leetown chapter.