Skeet Events
The Leetown Gun Club is proud to have 2 perfect well- manicured skeet fields. The fields face East-West and perfect blue-sky targets are thrown from well-maintained Super-Star machines. The tree lined background is several hundred yards beyond the flight path of targets. Our newest field has the same lights as the stadium shoot-off field at the NSSA national headquarters in San Antonio, TX
Members and non-members are welcome on most Sunday mornings from 8:00am until noon. Target and ammo prices are very competitive with any club in the area. We normally host two NSSA 4-gun sanctioned shoots each summer, with shooters coming from several states. Ten camper sites are available at a nominal cost. Although the level of competition is real, our goal is for our guests to have fun and to enjoy their events.
We have 3 nationally certified NSSA instructors for those wanting to learn the game or improve their skills.
Please contact Mark Outhier for additional information concerning the club at