Fishing Events
The Leetown pond covers approximately 2 ½ acres and has an average depth of 5 ft. The pond is open to all club members, their families, and guests. Species of fish include large mouth bass, bluegills, crappie, bullhead and channel catfish.
In the late summer of 2007 the pond became choked with a variety of unwanted aquatic plants, causing an increase in turbidity and reduced aeration, resulting in a fish kill. In May, 2008, with the permission of the state biologist, 40 grass carp, a species that originated in China and is used today for aquatic weed control, were introduced into the pond, with excellent results. Oxygen levels have also stabilized with the installation of three aerators in 2009.
Every summer the Izaak Walton chapter and the Jefferson County Parks Department sponsor a children’s fishing derby, with over 100 participants. Prizes are awarded for the most fish and the largest fish caught.